We offers contract assembling SMT and THT for small and medium production series. We are equipped with professional production pick&place SIEMENS SIPLACE line with performance 30.000 CPH, changer for trays, automatic DEK printer, 5 area Reflow Oven SMT Wertheim, AOI YESTECH two section wave soldering machine NOVASTAR. Our ability of performance is 3.000.000 parts per month. The production is accordance with IPC-A-610E class 3 (military and medic equipment).
Calculate costs of assembly – Click Online Price Calculator V3.0
We are focused on advanced SMT assembly with high quality production. Our clients are medium and small companies in the automation industry and railway. We are producing for CERN in Genewa (controlling cards for ATLAS in LHC) and Military factory MESKO Ammunition. We provide assembly services for more than 20 european companies.
What distinguishes us
Attractive prices - for long and short series. Check the online calculator. High quality service provided - we are using Koki pastes (S3X48, TB48) according to IPC-A-610E class 3. Laser cut stencils - Nd:Yag, ST304 plate, thickness 100 to 250um. J-STD-020C soldering - individual temperature profile for projects with LGA, BGA. With efficiency of placement- for medium series is up to 99,5%. Terms guarantee - 10 working days for medium series, 15 working days for large series.
- single and double layer assembly
- assembly with paste or paste and glue
- stencils preparing
- prototype series assembly including BGA, QFN, LGA
- Automatic Optic Inspection AOI
- for big series we offer component completion including import from the USA
